Category Archives: Security

Smart cards, PIV, Bitcoin and secp256k1

I am thrilled to see Multi-sig (P2SH) getting adopted across Bitcoin industry it has the potential to significantly reduce the risks involve with storing Bitcoin online. With that said it is still dependent on software keys, which can be trivially stolen via malware and other attack vectors.

One way to address this risk is to move the keys off of the host and into a isolated computing environment like a smart card.

Hardware devices like the Trezor do this by creating a Bitcoin specific computing environment, which has a many benefits (like being able to enforce policy on the card and get trusted implementations of the whole Bitcoin stack) but they turn into single use devices as a result of this approach also.

An alternate or really complimentary approach would be to have a smart card (or USB token) that supports the same cryptography used in Bitcoin as well as other more commonly used algorithms.

The thing to understand about smart cards is that for the most part every one you see is a proprietary non-interoperable mess. This is a function card industry attempting fend off the race to the bottom by differentiating at the card protocol layer which resulted in devices that are based on “standards” yet are totally non-interoperable.

Where they do “interoperate” it is because middleware has been written to mask these cross-vendor idiosyncrasies. The largest case where this has not happened is in the PIV card-edge, which was defined by the US government as their standard for logical and physical access control.

This card-edge explicitly supports only two ECC curves ansip256r1 and ansip384r1. That said the mechanism the caller has to specify which curve to use is via numbers in IDs specified in SP800-78 that map to the algorithm to be used (see table 6-2 for those algorithms) one could squat on un-used IDs and have a card that could also support secp256k1. This means it is possible to extend a standard PIV applet to support storing and protecting Bitcoin keys also.

PIV has other limitations that make it not ideal for these scenarios, specifically the default ACL set for the cards are such that users can not create keys themselves. GoldKey a smart card vendor who’s product uses the PIV card-edge works around this by adjusting those ACLs and embedding an administrative key within their “driver” that enables key generation to happen when their driver is used.

The net of all of this is that one can reasonably create a smart card that supported all of the rich capabilities that are available to users of a PIV device and also support protecting Bitcoin wallet keys.

Cupid and Understanding Your Exposure

In a past life I was responsible for a number of Windows Enterprise Networking technologies including the EAP implementation and was a contributor to EAP-TLS.

As a result when I saw the Heartbleed vulnerability announced I was painfully aware of what an attacker could do if they encountered a EAP-TLS implementation based on a vulnerable version of OpenSSL.

I have read a few articles this morning discussing the implications to those who use EAP-TLS and many of them get it wrong; the core issue being they don’t seem to understand the various actors in a EAP-TLS negotiation.

To understand how EAP works you need to understand the following terms:

Peer; this is the client to the wireless network. Be it your desktop, laptop or mobile phone (though EAPs use is not limited to these types of devices). Sometimes this will be called the supplicant.

Authenticator; this is your wireless router, when it comes to authenticator this entity delegates that responsibility to the authentication server (typically over RADIUS).

Authentication Server; this is the entity who is responsible for deciding if the peer can have access or not, it is also typically the EAP-Server but it can delegate this to another entity as in the case of complex wireless federation systems like.

EAP Server; this is the entity who actually implements the EAP protocol.

When a client connects to a router the router is configured to forward all requests to an Authentication Server. This results in a tunnel through the router to the authentication server.

In the most common case that authentication server implements the EAP protocol along with all of the various protocols (methods) that it supports.

In a Windows environment that server is called the Network Policy Server (NPS),  CISCO’s is called Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS), Juniper’s is called Steel Belted Radius (SBR) and the two most common Open Source distributions are OpenRADIUS and FreeRadius both of which use OpenSSL ([1], [2]).

The reason I wrote this is most of these articles talking about CUPID do so in such a way that it suggests the wireless router itself is the issue; while this is technically possible because there are routers out that also contain the authentication server and EAP Server these are not commonly used – especially with a TLS based EAP method. The main reason for this is that this quickly doesn’t scale, one of the largest reasons being that environments mature enough to take on the management overhead of a TLS based solution also probably have to provide service to a space larger than a single access point could cover.

There is another class of wireless access solution that leverages a “wireless controller” that manages multiple radios for this very reason. These solutions also often have built in RADIUS and EAP servers (and in my experience they are based on one of the above OpenSource solutions) but again this capability doesn’t appear to be used often with TLS based EAP methods since organizations often already have existing authentication infrastructure (Active Directory and NPS for example) that they leverage instead.

Long story short your probably only at risk of this if your using one of the Open Source Radius servers but since some vendors just repackage this code there are deployment models where you may be exposed its just not super likely. Here is a quick decision tree to help you understand your exposure:

Cupid Exposure

Beyond Builders, Defenders, and Breakers

There are lots of different types of Security Practitioners out there. At a high level they can all be thought of as Builders, Defenders or Breakers.

Another taxonomy commonly used categorizes them into more role-focused categories:

  • Operations Security (OPSEC)
  • Communications security (COMSEC)
  • Counter-intelligence
  • Information security (INFOSEC)
  • Signal Security (SIGSEC)
  • Transmission security (TRANSEC)

Unfortunately neither of these taxonomies does an effective job at expressing areas of focus nor skill-set.

That is not to say these taxonomies are not valuable but the leave me wanting. It also seems if I tell someone I work in “computer security” they either immediately ask me if I can hack someone’s Facebook account or they ask me about what antivirus they should run; this of course isn’t how I think about security either.

So how do I think about security practitioners? I try to categorize them based on their areas of specialty and professional focus and for me this looks something like this the bellow mind-map.

Security Practitioner









Attacker Mind Map for Bitcoin

When thinking about how to protect something its useful to think about who you are protecting from. This normally starts with brainstorming categories of attackers along with their capabilities and motivations. From there you often move on to defining persona’s for the attackers that help personalize and more granularly categorize their skills, resources and motivations.

This is just a quick stab at a Mind Map of who potential attackers are for a Bitcoin business, you may also be interested in the post I just did on Bitcoin itself. Both are far from complete but they might be useful to you when thinking about how to to protect your systems and prioritize appropriately.

Bitcoin Attacker Capabilities and Motivations

A Bitcoin Risks Mind Map

This morning I spent some time putting down some the risks relating to Bitcoin that I considered before I made the switch to focusing my efforts on this space.Mind Maps are a great way to collect your thinking and XMind is a great tool to create them with.

This map is far from complete but maybe it will spark your imagination.

Bitcoin Risks

Effectiveness of security controls in physical security

Lately I have been giving some thought to effectiveness of security controls in relationship to physical security.

To do so requires a definition of what one will consider “effective”. If we can accept that an appropriately motivated and well-funded attacker can bypass all mitigations our definition of effectiveness must be based on the skill and motivation of our attacker.

This also means we must give thought to how quickly we can respond when we become aware of an attack.

This is in essence the same approach we take when designing secure software systems. The core difference being we also have to consider the physical properties of the space we are protecting along with the human factors of the design of the system.

On the topic of physical properties of the space we have to consider the materials it was constructed with. One of my favorite examples here is how in the movie Sneakers Robert Redford’s character bypasses a security keypad by kicking the door down.

In this case even if appropriate door hardware was in place he could have simply gone through the wall like in this case of the recent burglaries of some Best Buy stores.

The state of affairs with home security is even in worse shape. Locks on doors are often of low quality and are trivially bump-able the plethora of home alarms that are installed typically use wireless sensors that can be bypassed with just a few dollars of electronics, garage doors can often be bypassed with nothing more than a bent hanger and if that wasn’t enough just throw a rock through a window.

So given this sorry state of affairs what should we do? First we need to be realistic about what the risks, the assets we have to protect and the value to the attacker. Then we should only invest proportionally to those variables.

To do this we need to develop a solid plan of what intrusions we have a chance of detecting, when we do detect them how quickly we can do so and then what our response will be in each of those cases.

For this reason a good quality alarm system is very important but they don’t do much good if they are not activated. Once activated we need to think about how long it takes for the monitoring service to be called, once contacted what do they do and how long does it take? Also In some cases the police will refuse to respond to a call that has not been confirmed by someone on-site and if they do often times responses can take hours. With that said knowing what the response time is is invaluable to understanding how long your mitigations will need to withstand attack.

But if as they say “Locks are for honest people” why do we bother at all?

The answer is that well-thought out mitigations do act as meaningful deterrents that can significantly reduce your risk but more importantly having proactively considered the risks and built the corresponding mitigations you are positioned to reduce your exposure (see my recent posts on Why shouldn’t you use safe-deposit boxes to store Bitcoin? and Insurance and Bitcoin) and ensure that such events are survivable.


PiperWallet First Impressions

So I just got my PiperWallet. For those of you not yet familiar with it the PiperWallet is an open-source hardware bitcoin wallet based Electrum running on a RaspberryPi paired with a built in thermal printer in what looks like a 3D printed chassis.

The basic idea is that managing cold wallets is hard and it doesn’t have to be.

Even though I have only started to play with the device overall I am impressed. Here are my initial observations:

  1. It was packaged well considering the volume in which they are produced;
  2. The quality of the casing is also good considering the volume;
  3. The cut outs are a little rough and are larger than the connectors they expose;
  4. The primary “indicator LED” that is used to show that the device is booting is not terribly bright;
  5. Without reading the instructions (or waiting a sufficiently long time) it’s not  obvious when the device is ready;
  6. The print button LED is bright and of excellent quality;
  7. There is no positive feedback when the print button is pressed.

So far I am happy with the purchase though I need to do some more playing with it before I make any final conclusions.

With that said here are the things I think I would change if it were my product:

  1. Make the serial numbers on the paper wallets randomly generated; you un-necessarily leak information by using monotonically generated serials;
  2. Add tamper evident seals to the casing so that if the device is opened during shipping it is obvious;
  3. Add tamper evident seals or “plugs” over the ports exposed on the device, possibly even dummy plugs with seals so its clear nothing happened to the device as part of shipping;
  4. Add per-device fixed wallet keys to be used as a serial number to the back of each case (there is a wallet address but I believe this is an address of the Piper team);
  5. Use per device passwords shipping them on a form similar to the one I provided here;
  6. Replace the indicator LED with one with a similar brightness and quality to that used in the “print button”;
  7. Add a small LCD display that can be used to provide real-time feedback and status so it’s easier to use when headless;
  8. In the documentation included have the steps to verify what software is running on the device along with hashes to do so.

Certificate Path Building in PKIjs

Now that its possible to decode and verify the signature on X.509 certificates within the browser the natural question to ask is what can I do with that?

Well first off to build an interesting application you will need to have the ability to validate that a certificate is trusted the first step in doing that is building the certificate path associated with the certificate.

The defacto standard for path building libraries is the NIST PKITS tests our goal is to create a library that will be able to pass the sane tests from this suite (some are odd for sure).

This is a pretty high bar and will take some time. At the time of writing this blog post we pass 1-33 of this test suite in with flying colors these tests cover all of the basic certificate validation rules. We also think the library will pass all Policy Constraints and Name Constraints but more testing is needed to confirm.

So how does building a chain look like today with this library?

var certs = new Array();

// Load cert to be validated, its intermediates and root
for(var i = 0; i < cert_buffers.length; i++)
    var asn1 = org.pkijs.fromBER(cert_buffers[i]);
    certs.push(new org.pkijs.simpl.CERT({ schema: asn1.result }));

var crls = new Array();

// Load any CRLs we have
for(var i = 0; i < crl_buffers.length; i++)
    var asn1 = org.pkijs.fromBER(crl_buffers[i]);
    crls.push(new org.pkijs.simpl.CRL({ schema: asn1.result }));

var cert_chain_simpl = new org.pkijs.simpl.CERT_CHAIN({
    certs: certs,
    crls: crls

        alert("Good result");
        alert("Error: " + error);

The current incarnation of the API expects that the bag of certificates that is passed in will include all intermediates as well as all trust anchors. We will be changing this in a future release so that trust anchors are passed in another bag.

This will help ensure that the certificate inputs to be validated don’t contain anything that might accidentally result in the certificate being treated as valid when it should not be. With that said as it is currently structured we can begin developing automated testing which is great.

Note: Updated the post to indicate the goal is to pass the sane PKITS tests, some of which are not and some are not possible to pass in a web environment.

WebCrypto and PKI

Like it or not here it comes — within the next few months WebCrypto will be supported in various degrees across all mainstream browsers. There are plenty of posts out there talking about the security concerns of performing cryptography in the browser so I wont go into those here.

What I wanted to talk about was now that it’s here (mostly) what can we do with it? There will be those who say you do harm by making any claims about the assurances a web application makes relating to identity and confidentiality when WebCrypto is involved. The reality though is its happening and we should think about how we enable applications to use it responsibly.

This is why I started work on PKI.JS and ASN1.JS with Yuri Strozhevsky. Now that browsers have these basic crypto primitives available to them it is possible to build web applications that are interoperable with the security services used off the web, it is also possible to build new services on the web that simply were not possible before.

Now there have been libraries that that offered ASN.1 and PKI related capabilities (for example jsRSAsign, Forge and Lapo-asn1js) but none of these were complete and none built around WebCrypto as the source of crypto.

What Yuri and I set out to do is create a set of libraries that addressed these gaps and used public test suites (when available) to ensure conformance with the associated standards, including:

  1. X.509 and CRLs– RFC 5280
  2. CMS / PKCS 7 (Signed & EnvelopedData) – RFC 5652
  3. PKCS10 – RFC 2986
  4. PKCS8 – RFC 5208
  5. OCSP – RFC 6960
  6. Time-stamping – RFC 3161

For example for ASN.1 Yuri used his freely available test suite and for path building he tested against the PKITS test suite.

This of course does not mean the libraries are 100% compliant or defect free, in-fact I can promise you they are not but where test suites were clearly available we tried to utilize them so we would end up with a highly stable and standards compliant library.

At this point the libraries work in all modern browsers but only support signing, verifying, encrypting and decrypting in the Chrome dev-channel but in theory should work on Firefox nightlies as well. Unfortunately the profile and version of WebCrypto supported by Internet Explorer is outdated enough at this point these features do not work there at all yet.

These libraries have not yet been published to their public repositories but I expect them to be within the week under an BSD style license, to give some perspective on the size of this project I expect it to be just under 20,000 lines of code when released. It’s my hope that other people take this and build upon them so that the Internet has a browser friendly way to interact with these technologies.

NOTE: While I hate disclaimers like this but these libraries have not undergone any significant review please do not consider them production ready more work is needed before that’s the case.

NOTE: It’s also worth noting that until at least two browsers release their WebCrypto implementations as final products that these libraries may stop working or not work uniformly across browsers, for example at this time the nightly Chrome builds do nor support key exports which prevents implementation of the key storage structures.

P.S I actually miss spoke earlier, we did not end up include PKCS #12 in this version but most of the base structures are supported.

The bias of experience and ignorance of youth

It was really security (well pirate and BBS’s and IRC channels) that first got me seriously into computers. It was a place where I was surrounded with brilliant people and super interesting problems to explore. It did not take long for me to discover cryptography. I remember the first time I encountered the concepts; I was working on cracking a game and the publisher actually had encrypted some of the instructions and I had to figure out what it was they had used, how it worked and how to work around it.

At that moment I was hooked. Since then nearly every professional experience I have had has been in computer security — simply put I love this stuff.

As it turns out most of the last two decades I have ended up working on authentication systems of one sort of another; these end up being interesting applications of protocol design, performance design patterns and cryptography.

The nature of these spaces also resulted in me working on operating systems and security services which in turn led me to have a strong bias against the “web developers” who I viewed largely as script kiddies with no understanding of computer science fundamentals let alone security. So much so I discouraged my son from learning many of the associated technologies because “real programmers” don’t bother with such things.

There has been an amazing shift over the last decade and even if at one point I was right for the above position I certainly would not be today. Not only have the technologies that are used to make up the web evolved to the point that they are as impressive and powerful as many of their native counterparts but many of the engineers working with them have become world-class as well.

This has led to some interesting trends the most poignant being the adoption of Javascript as a language for use outside of the browser like in Node.JS and the Tessel. This has been enabled by a competitive race to build the fastest experience on the web, which has become totally dependent on Javascript.

As a technologist I love this as it makes technology more approachable, it makes it easier for things to be rapidly be built and creates portability of skill across the layers of an engineering project.

As a security practitioner it gives me pause; those of you who know me one of my favorite sayings is “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should” and since this approachability and increased speed of innovation has obvious and natural negative implications when securing systems I am hesitant still to embrace it fully.

I take solace in this dichotomy because of something my mom would always tell me – You’re not learning if your not falling.

As we look at the features in HTML 5 and their support of things like WebCrypto, WebSockets and (god forbid) WebGL I try to remind myself how important it is not to let our personal biases hold back innovation while holding onto the rational and caution approach of my inner security practitioner.