Rethinking Security in Complex Systems

Over the last few decades, we seem to have gotten better at the micro aspects of security, such as formally verifying protocols and designing cryptographic algorithms, but have worsened, or at least failed to keep up at the macro aspects, such as building and managing effective, reproducible, risk-based security programs.

This can probably be attributed to both the scale of the systems we now depend on and perhaps even more to human factors. The quote, “Bureaucracy defends the status quo long past the time when the quo has lost its status,” is relevant here. Security organizations grow organically, not strategically, usually in response to a past failure or a newly recognized risk, which ultimately results in new teams that exist forever increasing the overall load of the security organization on the business. The role of these organizations typically expands over time to justify this load transforming them into data-gathering organizations. This explains why enterprises have so many dashboards of data that fail to drive action. Organizations are overwhelmed and struggle to understand where their risks lie so they can effectively allocate their limited resources toward achieving security-positive outcomes.

Building on this foundation of understanding risks, then there is the question of how we manage the success of security organizations in managing risk, as the saying goes, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t manage it.” The issue is that organizations often turn these measurements into metrics of success, which seems rational on the surface. However, in practice, we encounter another adage: “When a measure becomes a target, it ceases to be a good measure,” something that is especially true in security. For example, we often measure a security program for responding to an incident well, shipping new capabilities or passing audits, but this is an incomplete picture, using audits as an example, they are designed to fit every organization, which takes us to the saying, “If you try to please all, you please none.” In the case of security, you are guaranteed to be missing major issues or, at an absolute minimum, prioritizing activity over effectiveness with this approach. To make this more concrete this incentivizes successful audits (despite the incomplete picture this represents), and seeing the number of CVEs identified go down (despite these figures almost always being false positives) which in turn mislead organizations into believing they are more secure than they actually are.

Transitioning from metrics a combination of metrics, technology, and continual improvement, can help with some of the scale problems above, for example, AI shows promise for triaging issues and accelerating the review of low-level issues that fit neatly into a small context window but at the same time give a false sense of security. The human problems, on the other hand, are something we cannot simply automate; the best we can do is to rethink the way we build organizations so that empowerment and accountability are woven into how the organization operates. This will require ensuring those who take on that accountability truly understand how systems work and build their teams with a culture of critical, continual improvement. The second-order effects of these scale tools is de-skilling of the creators and operators of the tools — for example, I am always blown away how little modern computer science graduates understand of the way the systems they write code on operate — even from the most prestigious schools. We must also make continual education a key part of how we build our organizations.

Finally, focusing on system design, to support this from a design standpoint, we also need to consider how we design systems. The simplest approach is to design these systems in the most straightforward way possible, but even then, we need to consider the total operational nature of the system as part of the design. In user experience, we design for key users; early on, we talk about the concept of user stories. In system design, we often design and then figure out how that system will be operated and managed. We need to incorporate operational security into our designs. Do they emit the information (metrics and contextualized logs) required to monitor, do we provide the tools to use them to do this detection? If not how are their users to know they are operating securely? For example, do they enable monitoring for threats like token forgery over time? We must make the systems we ship less dependent on the human being involved in their operation, recognizing that they are generalists, not specialists, and give them simple answers to these operational issues if we want to help them achieve secure outcomes.

In conclusion, organizations need to look at the technological, and human aspects of their security program as well as their technology choices continuously and critically. This will almost certainly involve rethinking the metrics they use to drive security efforts, while also building a workplace culture centered on empowerment, accountability, continuous improvement and fundamentally integrating the security lifecycle of systems into the design process from day one. By adopting these strategic pillars, organizations can build more resilient, effective, and adaptable security programs that are equipped to meet the challenges of today’s dynamic environment.

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