Category Archives: Programming

Speeding Up Development and Navigating Security Risks

In software development, time is often of the essence. Developers are constantly pushed to deliver faster and more efficiently. Tools like GitHub Copilot have emerged, promising to accelerate coding tasks significantly. A study by GitHub found that developers using Copilot completed tasks up to 55% faster compared to those who didn’t use it [1]. However, as with speeding on the road, increased velocity in coding can lead to more significant risks and potential accidents.

The Need for Speed and Its Consequences

When driving at high speeds, the time available to react to unexpected events diminishes. Similarly, when coding tasks are completed rapidly with the help of AI copilots, developers have less time to thoroughly review and understand the code. This accelerated pace can lead to over-reliance on AI suggestions and decreased familiarity with the codebase. This lack of deep understanding might obscure potential issues that could be caught with a slower, more deliberate approach.

Narrowing the Focus

At higher speeds, drivers experience “tunnel vision,” where their field of view narrows, making it harder to perceive hazards. In coding, this translates to a reduced ability to catch subtle issues or security vulnerabilities introduced by AI-generated suggestions. A study by New York University highlighted this risk, finding that nearly 40% of code suggestions by AI tools like Copilot contained security vulnerabilities [2].

For a very basic example of how this could play out consider, an implementation of an authentication module using Copilot’s suggestions might skip input sanitization, leading to vulnerabilities like SQL injection or cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks. This omission might go unnoticed until the feature is in production, where it could lead to a security breach.

This reduction in situational awareness can be attributed to the lack of contextual knowledge AI copilots have. While they can provide syntactically correct code, they lack a nuanced understanding of the specific application or environment, leading to contextually insecure or inappropriate suggestions.

The Impact of High-Speed Errors

Higher driving speeds result in more severe accidents due to the increased force of impact. In coding, the severity of errors introduced by AI suggestions can be significant, especially if they compromise security. The GitHub study noted improvements in general code quality, as Copilot often follows best practices and common coding patterns [1]. However, the rapid pace and reliance on AI can mean fewer opportunities for developers to learn from their work and catch potential issues, leading to severe consequences in the long run.

Balancing Speed and Safety

To harness the benefits of tools like Copilot while mitigating the risks, developers, and teams can adopt several strategies:

  1. Enhanced Code Reviews: As the volume of code increases with the use of AI copilots, rigorous code reviews become even more crucial. Teams should ensure that every piece of code is thoroughly reviewed by experienced developers who can catch issues that the AI might miss.
  2. Integrating Security Tools: Using AI-based code reviewers and linters can help identify common issues and security vulnerabilities. These tools can act as a first line of defense, catching problems early in the development process.
  3. Continuous Learning: Establishing a culture of continuous learning ensures that developers stay updated with the latest security practices and coding standards. This ongoing education helps them adapt to new challenges and integrate best practices into their work.
  4. Practical Update Mechanisms: Implementing reliable and practical update mechanisms ensures that when issues are found, they can be addressed quickly and effectively. This proactive approach minimizes the impact of deployed vulnerabilities.
  5. Balanced Use of AI: Developers should use AI copilots as assistants rather than crutches. By balancing the use of AI with hands-on coding and problem-solving, developers can maintain a high level of familiarity with their codebases.


The advent of AI coding tools like GitHub Copilot offers a significant boost in productivity, enabling developers to code faster than ever before. However, this speed comes with inherent risks, particularly concerning security vulnerabilities and reduced familiarity with the code.

At the same time, we must recognize that attackers can also leverage these sorts of tools to accelerate their malicious activities, making it crucial to integrate these tools ourselves. By implementing robust code review processes, integrating security analysis tools into the build pipeline, and fostering a culture of continuous learning, teams can effectively manage these risks and use AI tools responsibly.

The game is getting real, and now is the time to put the scaffolding in place to manage both the benefits and the risks of this new reality.

Rethinking How We Assess Risk in the Software We Rely On

Despite today’s widespread use of open-source software, most software is still delivered in binary form. This includes everything from the foundational firmware of our computers to the applications we use for work, extending all the way to the containers running our server software in the cloud.

A significant challenge arises when even if the source code of the software is available, reproducing the exact binary from it is often impossible. Consequently, companies and users are essentially operating on blind faith regarding any qualitative or quantitative assurances received from software suppliers. This stark reality played a critical role in the rapid and broad spread of the SolarWinds incident across the industry.

The SolarWinds Wake-Up Call

The SolarWinds attack underscored the risks inherent in placing our trust in software systems. In this incident, attackers infiltrated build systems, embedding malware into the legitimate SolarWinds software. Customers updating to the latest software version unwittingly became victims in this attack chain. It’s crucial to acknowledge that targeting a software supply chain for widespread distribution is not a new tactic. Ken Thompson, in his 1984 Turing Award Lecture, famously stated, “No amount of source-level verification or scrutiny will protect you from using untrusted code.” Regrettably, our approaches to this challenge haven’t significantly evolved since then.

Progress in the domain of supply chain security was initially slow. In 1996, Microsoft began promoting the concept of code signing with its Authenticode support, allowing customers to verify that their software hadn’t been altered post-distribution. Subsequently, the open-source movement gained traction, particularly following the release of Netscape Navigator’s source code. Over the next two decades, the adoption of open source, and to a lesser extent, code signing increased. The use of interpreted languages aided in understanding software operations, but as software grew in size and complexity, the demand for software engineers began to outstrip the supply. The adage “Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow” suggests that greater openness can enhance security, yet the industry has struggled to develop a talent pool and incentive models robust enough to leverage source code availability effectively.

Before the SolarWinds incident, the industry, apart from some security engineers advocating for practices like reproducible builds, memory-safe languages, and interpreted languages, largely overlooked the topic of supply chain security. Notable initiatives like Google’s work on Binary Transparency, which predates SolarWinds, began to create an environment for broader adoption of code signing-like technologies with efforts like Go SumDBSigStore, and Android’s Binary Transparency (each of which I had the opportunity to contribute to). However, even these solutions don’t fully address the challenge of understanding the issues within a binary, a problem that remains at the forefront of security.

The industry’s response to SolarWinds also included embracing the concept of Software Bill of Materials (SBOM). These artifacts, envisioned to be produced by the build system, document the, often third-party, components used in software. However, this approach faces challenges, such as the possibility of attackers manipulating SBOMs if they compromise the build system.

The complexity of compiled software adds another layer of difficulty. Each compiled dependency has its own dependencies, not all of which are publicly declared, as is the case with static dependencies. When software is compiled, only portions of the dependencies that are used get included, potentially incorporating multiple versions of a single dependency into the final binary. This complexity makes simple statements about software components, like “I use OpenSSL 1.0,” inaccurate for even moderately complex code. Moreover, the information derived from SBOMs is often not actionable. Without access to all sources or the ability to build binaries independently, users are left with CVE lists that provide more noise than actionable insight.

To make things worse compilers, through the optimization of builds can even remove security fixes that developers carefully put in to mitigate known issues, for example, freeing memory to keep keys cryptographic keys and passwords from getting paged to disk.

The Critical Role of Binary Analysis

If all we have is a binary, the only way to understand the risks it represents is to analyze it in the same way an attacker would. However, doing this at scale and making the analysis actionable is challenging. Recent advancements in machine learning and language development are key to addressing this challenge.

Currently, tools that operate on binaries alone fall into two categories. The first are solutions akin to 1990s antivirus programs – matching binaries to known issues. The second category helps skilled professionals reverse engineer the binary’s contents more quickly.

Both categories have struggled to keep pace with the rapid changes in software over the past few decades. A new category of tools is emerging, led by companies like Binarly, which I advise. Binarly’s approach to automated binary analysis began with key goals such as achieving processor architecture independence and language independence. This enables the analysis of binaries across different architectures without duplicating threat intelligence and identifying insecure patterns stemming from ported code or common insecure Stack Overflow examples. Identifying static dependencies and which parts of them are used in a binary is both challenging and crucial for understanding the security issues that lie beneath the surface.

Their approach is remarkable in its ability to detect “known unknowns,” enabling the identification of classes of security vulnerabilities within a binary alone. Furthermore, through symbolic execution, they can perform reachability analysis, ensuring that flagged issues are not just theoretical but can potentially be exploited by attackers.

Though their approaches are not firmware-specific, Firmware is a great example of the problems that come from binary-only distributions and customers’ reliance on blind faith that their vendors are making the right security investments. It is their unique approach to binary analysis that has enabled them to file and report more CVEs in the last two years than have ever been reported before.

Binary analysis of this kind is crucial as it scrutinizes software in its final, executable form—the form in which attackers interact with it.


The lesson from the SolarWinds attack is clear: no build system-based approach to articulate dependencies is entirely secure. Ken Thompson’s 1984 assertion about the limitations of trusting any code you didn’t produce yourself remains relevant. In a world where software vulnerabilities have extensive and far-reaching impacts, binary analysis is indispensable. Binarly’s approach represents a paradigm shift in how we secure software, offering a more robust and comprehensive solution in our increasingly connected world.

Getting an EV Code Signing Certificate in 2022

The first thing you will need to do is to find a Windows machine, that is because it is only possible to enroll for an EV Code Signing certificate on Windows. The only browser that provides a way to enroll for a certificate with a smart card is Internet Explorer.

Internet explorer was deprecated on June 15, 2022, but the reality is that its market share had dropped to almost nothing long before that. Today .28% of web browser traffic is from IE

Edge does have an “IE Mode” that allows you to reload a page with this older version of the browser which still supports this smart card enrollment capability. The thing is that usually IE is only needed for one small part of a flow, for example when ordering an EV certificate you may complete the entire flow in your primary browser and have to start over again in this IE mode to do the actual enrollment.

While IE mode will continue to be supported through 2029. Edge only has about 4.11% of the browser market share today which means at a minimum most users must change browsers before they can get to this deprecated functionality. This pain is all rooted in an older technology known as COM. IE used to let you access COM components on the web, this was done via something known as ActiveX

ActiveX was a bad idea that was poorly executed but it did enable ways to break out of the browser sandbox to do interesting things. Unfortunately, those interesting things were also often interesting to attackers. This is why it was deprecated by IE long before IE itself was deprecated.

A limited set of ActiveX components got a stay of execution when that happened, one such component is CertEnroll. This control was allowed listed and has been used by CAs to facilitate certificate lifecycle management of user certificates on the web. Despite the proliferation of individual user/organization certificates (they are used more now than ever) there was no replacement made.

The thing is, even when it worked, it didn’t work well. For example, the CertEnroll component will commonly becomes non-responsive — as a result, the web browser ends up freezing. Recently I did an enrollment and IE hung for 4 minutes. I had two options, kill the browser with task manager or wait and pray it would return.

In summary, 96% of people on the web would need to change their browser and jump through a user experience that was designed in the early 2000s, an experience that was never invested in sufficiently, to get an EV code signing certificate today.

Another problem that exists here is that this is all smoke and mirrors from a security perspective. These EV certificates are required to have their keys stored on a smart card, this is effectively accomplished with some client-side javascript filtering of what middleware is used for the enrollment. This can be trivially bypassed with a few lines of Javascript in the browser console window. Doing this gives you an EV code signing certificate that has keys stored in the software. I have, for example, encountered CA websites that use third-party analytics javascript in their enrollment flows, any of these third parties could exfiltrate the code signing keys and the user wouldn’t notice. And if they did it would be because they would have had a better experience because of the issues I call out above.

YubiKey is the only smart card I know that supports an attestation for X.509 certificate keys that tells the CA that it is managing the key. This would mitigate this issue but there is no way to access this attestation information from the browser. If it were me I would mandate that only the YubiKey token be used for EV code signing certificates and either use a third-party solution like Fortify to interact with these tokens or require the YubiKey console tools be used for the enrollment. This would allow CAs to verify one of these tokens was actually being used to protect these keys.

Code signing is an important tool in protecting the software supply chain. It helps us understand an artifact’s origin, its integrity, and in the best case what quality bars the code meets. It would be fantastic if the scaffolding that enabled it was made so it was both easy and secure to do the right thing.

What is Fortify and how does it work?

If you follow the W3C or web development, you probably know that the WebCrypto API was designed to provide fairly low-level cryptographic algorithms so that you could build web applications that interoperate with existing systems.

The idea being it was largely the cryptographic primitives that needed to be implemented natively and that the other layers of interoperability could be handled in pure Javascript when combined with good application security practices and new features like SRI.

While there are legitimate concerns over the use of cryptography in browser-based applications there are also legitimate uses. Afterall who doesn’t like to watch a film on Netflix now and again without having to run Flash?

For another example of an application that makes heavy use of WebCrypto take a look at 1Password which is one of the most popular password managers in use today. They use WebCrypto and the same origin security model of browsers to allow them to help manage their passwords locally and store the associated ciphertext on their servers.

The utility of WebCrypto does not end with applications though, many libraries, some by my company, Peculiar Ventures, leverage this raw cryptographic capability to make it easier for others to build applications that interoperate with their counterparts on other platforms. For example consider PKIjsXMLDSIG, XADESjs, 2key-ratchet and js-jose.

However powerful this new native cryptographic capability is, it intentionally left out providing access to local cryptographic certificates and key stores as well opted out of providing web applications access to smart cards and other security elements. I personally both agree with these decisions and understand why they were made but that is something for another post. With that said, that doesn’t mean those capabilities are not useful and that is where Fortify comes in.

So what is Fortify?

Fortify is a client application that you install that runs in the background as a tray application in Windows, OSX, and Linux that provides these missing capabilities to authorized applications.

It does this by binding to and listening to a high-order well-known port for incoming requests. Browsers allow web applications to initiate sessions to this address, over that session a Fortify enabled application establishes a secure session and if approved by the user is allowed to access these missing capabilities.

How is this secure session established?

At the core of Fortify is a library called 2key-ratchet. This implements a `Double Ratchet` protocol similar to what is used by Signal. In this protocol each peer has an identity key pair, we use the public keys from each participant to compute a short numeric value since in the protocol the peers prove control of the respective private keys we know that once the keys are authenticated we are talking to the same “identity”.

Since 2key-ratchet uses WebCrypto we leverage the fact that keys generated in a web application are bound to the same origin, we also (when possible) utilize non-exportable keys to mitigate the risks of these approved keys from being stolen.

This gives us an origin bound identity for the web application that the Fortify client uses as the principal in an Access Control List. This means if you visit a new site (a new origin), even if operated by the same organization, you will need to approve their access to use Fortify.

For good measure (and browser compatibility) this exchange is also performed over a TLS session. At installation time a local CA is created, this CA is used to create an SSL certificate for The private key of the CA is then deleted once the SSL certificate is created and the Root CA of the certificate chain is installed as a locally trusted CA. This prevents the CA from being abused to issue certificates for other origins.

What happens over this session?

The protocol used by Fortify use a /.wellknown/ (not yet registered) location for capability discovery. The core protocol itself is Protobuf based.

We call this protocol webcrypto-socket. You can think of the protocol as a Remote Procedure Call or (RPC) to the local cryptographic and certificate implementations in your operating system.

Architecturally what does the client look like?

The Fortify client is a Node.js application based on Electron and it accesses all cryptographic implementations via node-webcrypto-p11. This library was designed to provide a WebCrypto compatible API to Node.js applications but it also extends the WebCrypto API to provide basic access to certificate stores.

The Fortify client uses another Peculiar Ventures project called PVPKCS11 to access the OSX KeyStore, Mozilla NSS or Windows CryptoAPI via this PKCS#11 wrapper.

It also uses pcsclite to listen for a smart card or security token insertions and removals, when new insertions are detected it inspects the ATR of the card. If it is a known card the client attempts to load the PKCS#11 library associated with the card. If that succeeds events in the `webcrypto-socket` protocol are used to let the web application know about the availability of the new cryptographic and certificate provider.

Ironically, despite the complication of the PKCS#11 API, this approach enables the code to maintain a fairly easy to understand structure.

The application also includes a tray application that is used to help with debugging, access a test application and manage which domains can access the service.

So what can I do with it?

In the simplest case, you can think of Fortify as a replacement for the <keygen> tag.

Since the client SDK that implements the `webcrypto-socket` protocol is a superset of WebCrypto, with slight modifications, if you have an web application that uses WebCrypto you can also use locally enrolled certificates and/or smart cards.

Some of the scenarios we had in mind when building the Fortify client included:

— Enrolling for X.509 certificates over the web,

— Signing and encrypting/decrypting email or documents,

— Building certificate-based authentication schemes with a modern user experience.

Can I use this today?

Yes, it is feature complete and ready for you to take a look.

There are some examples on its usage here and you can find the documentation here.

It works on Windows 7+, OSX 10.12+, and Debian based Linux distributions, it also works on IE11, Edge, Safari, Chrome, and Firefox.

In general, you should consider this initial release of a Beta quality, for example I know we need to do additional testing with smart cards and make sure we have the metadata for each card so they work on each supported platform. Otherwise, we expect it to work largely as expected.

Is it Open Source?

Yes, all Peculiar Ventures related libraries to-date have been licensed as BSD or MIT and this is no different so you are free to do with them as you see fit.

What’s next?

Over the next year, we will gain enough confidence in the solution to declare it complete. We will also look at adding other useful like smart card password changes and unblocking at some point in the future.

Other than that, we are just looking for your feedback so we can refine the quality of the solution.


I want to thank the members of the CASC for their support of this project and the many individuals from Twitter who provided feedback and testing.

XMLDSIG and XAdES in the browser and Node

It is great that we have a language like Javascript that we can use in both client and server applications. With that said one of the challenges both the browser and server environments have compared to say Java or .NET is a fairly weak set of class libraries to build upon.

This is especially true when it comes to security technologies, this is the foundation of most of our OSS work at Peculiar Ventures.

Our most recent project is a XMLDSIG library we call XAdESjs, it is based on WebCrypto and as a result with an appropriate polyfill it works on Node as well as it does in the browser.

With it and a few lines of code you can now sign and verify XMLDSIG and XAdES-BES signatures on these platforms, for example a verify on Node might look like this:

var xadesjs = require(“./xadesjs/built/xades.js”);
var DOMParser = require(“xmldom”).DOMParser;
var WebCrypto = require(“./node-webcrypto-ossl”).default;

xadesjs.Application.setEngine(“OpenSSL”, new WebCrypto());

var fs = require(“fs”);
var xmlString = fs.readFileSync(“./xadesjs/test/static/valid_signature.xml”,”utf8″);

var signedDocument = new DOMParser().parseFromString(xmlString, “application/xml”);
var xmlSignature = signedDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS(“”, “Signature”);

var signedXml = new xadesjs.SignedXml(signedDocument);
.then(function (signedDocument) {
console.log(“Successfully Verified”);
.catch(function (e) {

Though we only support the most basic forms of XAdES at this time it is enough to verify the EU Trust Service Provider List (EUTSL).

We intend to add more of XAdES to the library in the future, though we have no schedule for that at this time.

There is still lots to do so please consider contributing.


Escaping the Same-origin Policy for PKIjs

PKIjs enables you to build rich PKI-aware applications inside of the browser, that said the browser implements a security policy called the Same-origin Policy that restricts the code running on the page from accessing resources served from other locations.

There is also a related capability that allows a remote server to state what origins can interact with it, this capability is called Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS).

This background is important since the associated standards for PKI presume the client will be able to reach the Certificate Authority that issued the certificate to check revocation status (OCSP and CRL) as well as potentially fetch issuer certificates.

Unfortunately, the WebPKI CRL and OCSP responders do not set these headers, as such for a web page to fetch these resources an intermediate proxy is needed to enable your web application to access these servers.

There are lots of great resources on how to configure Nginx as forward-proxy. The problem is you do not want to be used as an open forward proxy. In this case, what we want to do is have a virtual host that will proxy request on behalf of the client to the appropriate origin server. For example sake, let’s say we have a host It is straightforward to configure Nginx as an open forward proxy and there are a lot of examples on the internet showing how to do this. That said we do not want to create an open proxy to be abused so we want some constraints:

  1. Only forward proxy to a whitelisted set of hosts,
  2. Only proxy specific methods (POST and GET),
  3. Rate limited the client to make it more difficult to abuse.

To enable this we want to be able to pass a query string to Nginx that contains the URL we want the request forwarded to, for example,{urlencoded url}

A configuration that does this might look something like the following:

map "$request_method:$uri" $whitelist {
default "deny";
~^POST:/&url=http:/ "allow";
~^GET:/&url=http:/ "allow";

limit_req_zone $binary_remote_addr zone=proxy:10m rate=5r/m;

server {
 listen 80 default_server;
 location / {
 limit_req zone=proxy burst=5;
 if ($whitelist = deny) { return 403; break; }
 if ($uri ~ \&url\=(https?):/([^\/]*)(.+)) { set $myproto $1; set $myhost $2; set $myuri $3; }
 if ($myproto = http) { proxy_pass http://$myhost$myuri; break; }
 if ($myproto = https) { proxy_pass https://$myhost$myuri; break; }

NOTE: It seems that Nginx has a bug where when tokenizing it messes with the URL-encoded value stripping out some characters (including the /). To work around this in the above configuration we match on a single slash, this still works because this stripping appears consistent but does not effect the $uri value which is passed to the origin server.

NOTE: Unfortunately to accomplish the above we needed to use the if statement which has some downsides. If you know of how to accomplish the above without the use of them, or how to use less of them please let me know.

With this, the browser is now able to make requests to a limited set of hosts once every 12 seconds.

But what if you want this forward proxy( to exist in a different domain  from the application (  By default, the browser will not allow this but thankfully we can use  Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) to tell the clients they can send requests to our proxy, you do this by returning two additional headers to the client:

Access-Control-Allow-Methods: POST, GET

With these two headers set, the browser will allow the application to send both POST and GETs to our proxy.

But what if we want to communicate with multiple servers? Unfortunately, the CORS specification only allows the server to set a single origin in this header. It recommends that cases that require access to multiple origins set the header dynamically. This, of course, requires the server to have knowledge of what the client needs and if you are building a Single Page Application it’s quite likely the server doesn’t have that context.

Thankfully it does support a wildcard so if you have multiple application domains you want your proxy to be accessible from you can specify *:

Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *

This approach works around the multiple origin limitations of CORS but has its own issues, for example:

  1. Your server is now an unauthenticated network proxy that can be abused,
  2. If the servers you include in the whitelist can also serve active content they become useful to an attacker,
  3. Your server now has knowledge of which certificates are being validated by the client,

Neither of these approaches is perfect but they both allow you to get the information necessary to validate certificates using PKIjs within the browser.


Things we think are true but are not

The other day my son and I were talking about common mistakes people make when handling different “common” data-types in application design. Two of the more interesting examples we discussed were time and names.

Here are a few great posts discussing these data-types:

Then there is the question of sexes, ISO 5218 defines Not known, Male, Female, and Not applicable. Facebook on the other hand has a total of 58 options for gender.


The PKCS#12 standard needs another update

PKCS#12 is the defacto file format for moving private keys and certificates around. It was defined by RSA and Microsoft in the late 90s and is used by Windows extensively. It was also recently added to KIMP as a means to export key material.

As an older format, it was designed with support for algorithms like MD2, MD5, SHA1, RC2, RC4, DES and 3DES. It was recently standardized by IETF RFC 7292 and the IETF took this opportunity to add support for SHA2 but have not made an accommodation for any mode of AES.

Thankfully PKCS #12 is based on CMS which does support AES (see RFC 3565 and RFC 5959). In theory, even though RFC 7292 doesn’t specify a need to support AES,  there is enough information to use it in an interoperable way.

Another standard used by PKCS#12 is PKCS #5 (RFC 2898), this specifies the mechanics of password-based encryption. It provides two ways to do this PBES1 and PBES2, more on this later.

Despite these complexities and constraints, we wanted to see if we could provide a secure and interoperable implementation of PKCS#12 in PKIjs since it is one of the most requested features. This post documents our findings.


Lots of unused options

PKCS#12 is the swiss army knife of certificate and key transport. It can carry keys, certificates, CRLs and other metadata. The specification offers both password and certificate-based schemes for privacy and integrity protection.

This is accomplished by having an outer “integrity envelope” that may contain many “privacy envelopes”.

When using certificates to protect the integrity of its contents, the specification uses the CMS SignedData message to represent this envelope.

When using passwords it uses an HMAC placed into its own data structure.

The use of an outer envelope containing many different inner envelopes enables the implementor to mix and match various types of protection approaches into a single file. It also enables implementers to use different secrets for integrity and privacy protection.

Despite this flexibility, most implementations only support the following combination:

  1. Optionally using the HMAC mechanism for integrity protection of certificates
  2. Using password-based privacy protection for keys
  3. Using the same password for privacy protection of keys

NOTE: OpenSSL was the only implementation we found that supports the ability to use a different password for the “integrity envelope” and  “privacy envelope”. This is done using the “twopass” option of the pkcs12 command.

The formats flexibility is great. We can envision a few different types of scenarios one might be able to create with it, but there appears to be no documented profile making it clear what is necessary to interoperate with other implementations.

It would be ideal if a future incarnation of the specification provided this information for implementers.

Consequences of legacy

As mentioned earlier there are two approaches for password based encryption defined in PKCS#5 (RFC 2989).

The first is called PBES1, according to the RFC :

PBES1 is recommended only for compatibility with existing
applications, since it supports only two underlying encryption
schemes, each of which has a key size (56 or 64 bits) that may not be
large enough for some applications.

The PKCS#12 RFC reinforces this by saying:

The procedures and algorithms
defined in PKCS #5 v2.1 should be used instead.
Specifically, PBES2 should be used as encryption scheme, with PBKDF2
as the key derivation function.

With that said it seems, there is no indication in the format on which scheme is used which leaves an implementor forced with trying both options to “just see which one works”.

Additionally it seems none of the implementations we have encountered followed this advice and only support the PBES1 approach.

Cryptographic strength

When choosing cryptographic algorithm one of the things you need to be mindful of is the minimum effective strength. There are differing opinions on what each algorithm’s minimum effective strength is at different key lengths, but normally the difference not significant. These opinions also change as computing power increases along with our ability to break different algorithms.

When choosing which algorithms to use together you want to make sure all algorithms you use in the construction offer similar security properties If you do not do this the weakest algorithm is the weakest link in the construction. It seems there is no guidance in the standard for topic, as a result we have found:

  1. Files that use weak algorithms protection of strong  keys,
  2. Files that use a weaker algorithm for integrity than they do for privacy.

This first point is particularly important. The most recently available guidance for minimum effective key length comes from the German Federal Office for Information Security, BSI. These guidelines, when interpreted in the context of PKCS #12, recommend that a 2048-bit RSA key protection happens using SHA2-256 and a 128-bit symmetric key.

The strongest symmetric algorithm specified in the PKCS #12 standard is 3DES which only offers an effective strength of 112-bits.  This means, if you believe the BSI, it is not possible to create a standards compliant PKCS#12 that offer the effective security necessary to protect a 2048-bit RSA key.

ANSI on the other hand, currently recommends that 100-bit symmetric key is an acceptable minimum strength to protect a 2048-bit RSA key (though this recommendation was made a year earlier than the BSI recommendation).

So if you believe ANSI, the strongest suite offered by RFC 7292 is strong enough to “adequately” protect such a key, just not a larger one.

The unfortunate situation we are left with in is that it is not possible to create a “standards compliant” PKCS12 that support modern cryptographic recommendations.



A while ago OpenSSL was updated to support AES-CBC in PKCS#8 which is the format that PKCS#12 uses to represent keys.  In an ideal world, we would be using AES-GCM for our interoperability target but we will take what we can get.

To create such a file you would use a command similar to this:

rmh$ openssl genrsa 2048|openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 aes-256-cbc -out key.pem

Generating RSA private key, 2048 bit long modulus



e is 65537 (0x10001)

Enter Encryption Password:

Verifying – Enter Encryption Password:
rmh$ cat key.pem



If you look at the resulting file with an ASN.1 parser you will see the file says the Key Encryption Key (KEK) is aes-256-cbc.

It seems the latest OpenSSL (1.0.2d) will even let us do this with a PKCS#12, those commands would look something like this:

openssl genrsa 2048|openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -v2 aes-256-cbc -out key.pem

openssl req -new -key key.pem -out test.csr

openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in test.csr -signkey key.pem -out test.cer

openssl pkcs12 -export -inkey key.pem -in test.cer -out test.p12 -certpbe AES-256-CBC -keypbe AES-256-CBC

NOTE: If you do not specify explicitly specify the certpbe and keypbe algorithm this version defaults to using pbewithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC to protect the certificate and pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC to protect the key.

RC2 was designed in 1987 and has been considered weak for a very long time. 3DES is still considered by many to offer 112-bits of security though in 2015 it is clearly not an algorithm that should still be in use.

Since it supports it OpenSSL should really be updated to use aes-cbc-256 by default and it would be nice if  support for AES-GCM was also added.

NOTE: We also noticed if you specify “-certpbe NONE and -keypbe NONE” (which we would not recommend) that OpenSSL will create a PKCS#12 that uses password-based integrity protection and no privacy protection.

Another unfortunate realization is OpenSSL uses an iteration count of 2048 when deriving a key from a password, by today’s standards is far too small.

We also noticed the OpenSSL output of the pkcs12 command does not indicate what algorithms were used to protect the key or the certificate, this may be one reason why the defaults were never changed — users simply did not notice:

rmh$ openssl pkcs12 -in windows10_test.pfx

Enter Import Password:

MAC verified OK

Bag Attributes

   localKeyID: 01 00 00 00

   friendlyName: {4BC68C1A-28E3-41DA-BFDF-07EB52C5D72E}

   Microsoft CSP Name: Microsoft Base Cryptographic Provider v1.0

Key Attributes

   X509v3 Key Usage: 10

Enter PEM pass phrase:

Bag Attributes

   localKeyID: 01 00 00 00

subject=/CN=Test/O=2/OU=1/[email protected]/C=<\xD0\xBE

issuer=/CN=Test/O=2/OU=1/[email protected]/C=<\xD0\xBE




Unfortunately, it seems that all versions of Windows (even Windows 10) still produces PKCS #12’s using pbeWithSHAAnd3-KeyTripleDES-CBC for “privacy” of keys and privacy of certificates it uses pbeWithSHAAnd40BitRC2-CBC. It then relies on the HMAC scheme for integrity.

Additionally it seems it only supports PBES1 and not PBES2.

Windows also uses an iteration count of 2048 when deriving keys from passwords which is far too small.

It also seems unlike OpenSSL, Windows is not able to work with files produced with more secure encryption schemes and ciphers.


PKIjs has two, arguably conflicting goals, the first of which is to enable modern web applications to interoperate with traditional X.509 based applications. The second of which is to use modern and secure options when doing this.

WebCrypto has a similar set of guiding principles, this is why it does not support weaker algorithms like RC2, RC4 and 3DES.

Instead of bringing in javascript based implementations of these weak algorithms into PKIjs we have decided to only support the algorithms supported by webCrypto (aes-256-cbc, aes-256-gcm with SHA1 or SHA2 using PBES2.

This represents a tradeoff. The keys and certificates and exported by PKIjs will be protected with the most interoperable and secure pairing of algorithms available but the resulting files will still not work in any version of Windows (even the latest Windows 10 1511 build).

The profile of PKCS#12 PKIjs creates that will work with OpenSSL will only do so if you the -nomacver option:

openssl pkcs12 -in pkijs_pkcs12.pfx -nomacver

This is because OpenSSL uses the older PBKDF1 for integrity protection and PKIjs is using the newer PBKDF2, as a result of this command integrity will not be checked on the PKCS#12.

With that caveat, here is an example of how one would generate a PKCS#12 with PKIjs.


Despite its rocky start, PKCS#12 is still arguably one of the most important cryptographic message formats. An attempt has been made to modernize it somewhat, but they did not go far enough.

It also seems OpenSSL has made an attempt to work around this gap by adding support for AES-CBC to their implementation.

Windows on the other hand still only appear to support only the older encryption construct with the weaker ciphers.

That said even when strong, modern cryptography are in use we must remember any password-based encryption scheme will only be as secure as the password that is used with it. As a proof point, consider these tools for PKCS#12 and PKCS#8 that make password cracking trivial for these formats.

We believe the storage and transport of encrypted private keys is an important enough topic that it deserves a modern and secure standard. With that in mind recommend the following changes to RFC 7292 be made:

  • Deprecate the use of all weaker algorithms,
  • Make it clear both AES-CBC and AES-GCM should be supported,
  • Make it clear what the minimal profile of this fairly complex standard is,
  • Require the support of PBES2,
  • Be explicit and provide modern key stretching guidance for use with PBKDF2,
  • Clarify how one uses PBMAC1 for integrity protection,
  • Require that the certificates and the keys are both protected with the same or equally secure mechanisms.

As for users, there are a few things you can do to protect yourself from the associated issues discussed here, some of which include:

  • Do not use passwords to protect your private keys. Instead generated symmetric keys or generated passwords of an appropriate lengths (e.g. “openssl rand -base64 32”),
  • When using OpenSSL always specify which algorithms are being used when creating your PKCS#12 files and double check those are actually the algorithms being used,
  • Ensure that the algorithms you are choosing to protect your keys offer a minimum effective key length equal to or greater than the keys you will protect,
  • Securely delete any intermediate copies of keys or inputs to the key generation or export process.

Ryan & Yury


Graphene CLI

A few weeks ago we released Graphene, a PKCS #11 binding for NodeJS. Today we are releasing a CLI based on the same library.

Our goal was to make it easy for you to work with PKCS#11 devices in a vendor neutral way without the complexity of installing and configuring a bunch of miscellaneous packages.

Using the tool itself is pretty straight forward, load the PKCS#11 module and open a session to a slot then you are ready to go:

rmh@peculiar-02:/home/graphene# graphene 

> module load -l /usr/safenet/lunaclient/lib/ -n test

Module info


  Library: /usr/safenet/lunaclient/lib/

  Name: test

  Description: Chrystoki                      

  Cryptoki version: 2.20

> slot open --slot 0 -p {YourPin}

Session is started


Once logged in you can always find help with the ‘?’ command:

> ?


    ?         output usage information
    exit      exit from the application
    module    load and retrieve information from the PKCS#11 module
    slot      open a session to a slot and work with its contents
    object    manage objects on the device
    hash      compute a hash for a given file
    test      benchmark device performance for common algorithms


    all commands require you to first load the PKCS #11 module

      > module load -l /path/to/pkcs11/lib/ -n LibName

Some things you can do with the tool:

  • Enumerate the supported algorithms of your device
  • Enumerate and manage the objects on your device
  • Benchmark the performance of your device
  • Hash a file utilizing your device

We recently benchmarked the capabilities of a SafeNet G5, you can see the results here.
We hope you find it useful.

PKCS #11, Javascript and Nodejs

Javascript has become the most popular language on the Internet. Until now there has not been a way to directly use cryptographic devices that provide PKCS#11 interfaces natively within NodeJS based applications.

The best you could do was to use the Node ability to use OpenSSL and OpenSSL’s ability to use the OpenSC PKCS#11 engine which would then wrap the vendor provided PKCS#11 library. That clearly is a convoluted mess.

We wanted to let Node developers use these devices directly. With that in mind we created Graphene which uses the node-ffi module to call into these libraries directly.

Our goal was to expose all of PKCS#11 while adopting the NodeJS “style” as appropriate. There is still work to do but we think it is now to the point where others may find value in it so we have made it public as of today.
