Using ECC keys in X509 certificates

Recently the CAB Forum published a document called the Baseline Requirements for the Issuance and Management of Publicly Trusted Certificates.

This document was authored by both browsers and public CAs and is used by the browser vendors to mandate what minimum technical requirements need to be met for inclusion into their “Root Programs”.

One of the changes specified in this document is that subscriber certificates (aka SSL certificates) containing RSA keys must have a bit length of 2048. This is a change for a lot of CAs (GlobalSign had made this change some time ago) one that has implications to server operators.

Just take a look at the Crypto Plus Plus Benchmarks to see how much more expensive 2048 bit RSA. For most users this additional computational cost won’t be an issue but in some cases customers may need to increase the computing power they allocate for SSL establishment.

But what alternatives do you have? Well there is one, certificates with ECC keys; using these have the potential to significantly decrease the computational costs for SSL negotiations (even over your old 1024bit RSA certificate) but they come at a significant penalty – compatibility.

ECC was not supported in Windows until VISTA which was released in 2009, this basically means 100% of the XP clients out there (around 29% of the browsers on the internet as of July 2012) would be unable to establish a session with your website if you switched exclusively to ECC.

This is important for more than just Internet Explorer users since even Chrome and Safari use CryptoAPI for certificate validation when on Windows.

This would mean these users would see something like this:


That is pretty scary, so how long until we can use this more broadly? It’s hard to say there is a good article titled “The developers guide to browser adoption rates” that sheds some light, that and the historic results. Based on these unless there is a sudden change (which is possible these machines are getting pretty old) I would assume that we have around 4-5 years of XP out there yet.

Hope this helps,


Using SHA2 based signatures in X509 certificates

It’s been an exciting decade for cryptography; as a result we see smaller key sizes and weaker algorithms getting deprecated.

One driver of such things is the U.S. Federal Government, specifically NIST.

One example of this would be NIST Special Publication 800-131A which disallows the use of SHA1 after December 2013. What this means is if you are in the U.S. Federal Government or you work with them you may have to revise your technology strategy to use SHA2 in its place.

But what if you don’t have any policy mandate forcing you to do this switch? Well it’s a good idea but it has consequences too, namely compatibility.

You see SHA2 was published in 2001 so anything produced before then will not support it. The most notable example is Windows XP which as of July 2012 has about 29% presence on the Internet.

This is important for more than just Internet Explorer users since even Chrome and Safari use CryptoAPI for certificate validation when on Windows.

The good news is that XP SP3 which was released in 2008 added support for this new suite of hash algorithms, that begs the question how many of those XP machines have XP SP3?

Unfortunately I don’t have any public references that can answer this question but let’s that 85% of all XP machines on the Internet have gotten this update (I have good confidence in this number) that means that 15% of those 29% would not be able to connect to your server over SSL if you used SHA2.

This would mean these users would see something like this:



That is pretty scary, so how long until we can use this more broadly? It’s hard to say there is a good article titled “The developers guide to browser adoption rates” that sheds some light, that and the historic results. Based on these unless there is a sudden change (which is possible these machines are getting pretty old) I would assume that we have around 4-5 years of XP out there yet.

Hope this helps,


How to get your own OID arc

X509 uses Object Identifiers (OIDs) to uniquely identify things, for example one assigns a OID to their Certificate Policy Statements (CPS) so that it is possible to programmatically detect if a certificate meets a specific policy.

OIDs are managed as a namespace, this prevents “collision”. As such one needs to request an OID be assigned to them.

The “arc” part comes when you get your OID, you can assign any number you want at the end of your OID. For example, one might be assigned and decide to “break” it up into chunks as follows:

  1. – Documents
  2. – Certificate Extensions
  3. – Resource Identifiers

Underneath each of these you would assign unique numbers by appending a new number, for example might be your CAs Certificate Practice Statement (CPS).

So how do you get one of these OIDs then? That’s easy it’s Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) who assigns these, they call them Private Enterprise Numbers. Getting one is easy enough just fill out a web application form. To do that you will only need 7 pieces of information, these include:

  1. Organization Name
  2. Organization Address
  3. Organization Phone
  4. Contact Name
  5. Contact Address
  6. Contact Phone
  7. Contact Email

Remember the idea is that the information you provide here will be used for people to reach you if they want to ask questions about these things you have uniquely identified so choose the values wisely.

It can take up to 60 days to get one of these (although usually the application is processed in about one week).

Once you got the object identifier, you should register the code on the site and/or in this way will be easily accessible by those who are seeking information about the owner of object identifier.

Hope this helps.


Government CAs in the Microsoft Root Program

Microsoft was the first Root program in a browser to have an open and transparent process for becoming a CA as well as the first to have public policy, audit and technical requirements that CAs must comply with.

Today while the other browsers have joined on and even raised the bar significantly Microsoft continues to operate their root program in an open and clear way.

One example of this is the list they publish of the companies who meet their requirements; you can see this list here.

There are a number of interesting things we can gleam from this list; one of them is how many governments have their own certificate authorities.

For example as of March 11, 2011 we know that there are a total of 46 government owned and operated “Root Certificates” in the Microsoft Root Program, these include:

Current CA Owner Country Thumbprint
Government of Austria, Austria Telekom-Control Commission Austria e7 07 15 f6 f7 28 36 5b 51 90 e2 71 de e4 c6 5e be ea ca f3
Government of Brazil, Autoridade Certificadora Raiz Brasileira Brazil 8e fd ca bc 93 e6 1e 92 5d 4d 1d ed 18 1a 43 20 a4 67 a1 39
Government of Brazil, Instituto Nacional de Tecnologia da Informação (ITI) Brazil ‎70 5d 2b 45 65 c7 04 7a 54 06 94 a7 9a f7 ab b8 42 bd c1 61
Government of Finland, Population Register Centre Finland fa a7 d9 fb 31 b7 46 f2 00 a8 5e 65 79 76 13 d8 16 e0 63 b5
Government of France France 60 d6 89 74 b5 c2 65 9e 8a 0f c1 88 7c 88 d2 46 69 1b 18 2c
Government of Hong Kong (SAR), Hongkong Post Hong Kong (SAR) d6 da a8 20 8d 09 d2 15 4d 24 b5 2f cb 34 6e b2 58 b2 8a 58
Government of Hong Kong (SAR), Hongkong Post Hong Kong (SAR) e0 92 5e 18 c7 76 5e 22 da bd 94 27 52 9d a6 af 4e 06 64 28
Government of India, Ministry of Communications & Information Technology, Controller of Certifying Authorities (CCA) India 97 22 6a ae 4a 7a 64 a5 9b d1 67 87 f2 7f 84 1c 0a 00 1f d0
Government of Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Japan 96 83 38 f1 13 e3 6a 7b ab dd 08 f7 77 63 91 a6 87 36 58 2e
Government of Japan, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications Japan ‎7f 8a b0 cf d0 51 87 6a 66 f3 36 0f 47 c8 8d 8c d3 35 fc 74
Government of Korea, Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) South Korea 5f 4e 1f cf 31 b7 91 3b 85 0b 54 f6 e5 ff 50 1a 2b 6f c6 cf
Government of Korea, Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) South Korea 02 72 68 29 3e 5f 5d 17 aa a4 b3 c3 e6 36 1e 1f 92 57 5e aa
Government of Korea, Korea Information Security Agency (KISA) South Korea f5 c2 7c f5 ff f3 02 9a cf 1a 1a 4b ec 7e e1 96 4c 77 d7 84
Government of Korea, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA) South Korea 63 4c 3b 02 30 cf 1b 78 b4 56 9f ec f2 c0 4a 86 52 ef ef 0e
Government of Korea, Ministry of Government Administration and Home Affairs (MOGAHA) South Korea 20 cb 59 4f b4 ed d8 95 76 3f d5 25 4e 95 9a 66 74 c6 ee b2
Government of Latvia, Latvian Post Latvia 08 64 18 e9 06 ce e8 9c 23 53 b6 e2 7f bd 9e 74 39 f7 63 16
Government of Latvia, Latvian State Radio & Television Centre (LVRTC) Latvia c9 32 1d e6 b5 a8 26 66 cf 69 71 a1 8a 56 f2 d3 a8 67 56 02
Government of Lithuania, Registru Centras Lithuania 97 1d 34 86 fc 1e 8e 63 15 f7 c6 f2 e1 29 67 c7 24 34 22 14
Government of Macao, Macao Post Macao SAR ‎89 c3 2e 6b 52 4e 4d 65 38 8b 9e ce dc 63 71 34 ed 41 93 a3
Government of Mexico, Autoridad Certificadora Raiz de la Secretaria de Economia Mexico 34 d4 99 42 6f 9f c2 bb 27 b0 75 ba b6 82 aa e5 ef fc ba 74
Government of Portugal, Sistema de Certificação Electrónica do Estado (SCEE) / Electronic Certification System of the State Portugal ‎39 13 85 3e 45 c4 39 a2 da 71 8c df b6 f3 e0 33 e0 4f ee 71
Government of Serbia, PTT saobraćaja „Srbija” (Serbian Post) Serbia d6 bf 79 94 f4 2b e5 fa 29 da 0b d7 58 7b 59 1f 47 a4 4f 22
Government of Slovenia, Posta Slovenije (POSTArCA) Slovenia ‎b1 ea c3 e5 b8 24 76 e9 d5 0b 1e c6 7d 2c c1 1e 12 e0 b4 91
Government of Slovenia, Slovenian General Certification Authority (SIGEN-CA) Slovenia 3e 42 a1 87 06 bd 0c 9c cf 59 47 50 d2 e4 d6 ab 00 48 fd c4
Government of Slovenia, Slovenian Governmental Certification Authority (SIGOV-CA) Slovenia 7f b9 e2 c9 95 c9 7a 93 9f 9e 81 a0 7a ea 9b 4d 70 46 34 96
Government of Spain (CAV), Izenpe S.A. Spain 4a 3f 8d 6b dc 0e 1e cf cd 72 e3 77 de f2 d7 ff 92 c1 9b c7
Government of Spain (CAV), Izenpe S.A. Spain ‎30 77 9e 93 15 02 2e 94 85 6a 3f f8 bc f8 15 b0 82 f9 ae fd
Government of Spain, Autoritat de Certificació de la Comunitat Valenciana (ACCV) Spain a0 73 e5 c5 bd 43 61 0d 86 4c 21 13 0a 85 58 57 cc 9c ea 46
Government of Spain, Dirección General de la Policía – Ministerio del Interior – España. Spain b3 8f ec ec 0b 14 8a a6 86 c3 d0 0f 01 ec c8 84 8e 80 85 eb
Government of Spain, Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT) Spain 43 f9 b1 10 d5 ba fd 48 22 52 31 b0 d0 08 2b 37 2f ef 9a 54
Government of Spain, Fábrica Nacional de Moneda y Timbre (FNMT) Spain b8 65 13 0b ed ca 38 d2 7f 69 92 94 20 77 0b ed 86 ef bc 10
Government of Sweden, Inera AB (SITHS-Secure IT within Health care Service) Sweden 16 d8 66 35 af 13 41 cd 34 79 94 45 eb 60 3e 27 37 02 96 5d
Government of Switzerland, Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation (BIT) Switzerland ‎6b 81 44 6a 5c dd f4 74 a0 f8 00 ff be 69 fd 0d b6 28 75 16
Government of Switzerland, Bundesamt für Informatik und Telekommunikation (BIT) Switzerland ‎25 3f 77 5b 0e 77 97 ab 64 5f 15 91 55 97 c3 9e 26 36 31 d1
Government of Taiwan, Government Root Certification Authority (GRCA) Taiwan ROC f4 8b 11 bf de ab be 94 54 20 71 e6 41 de 6b be 88 2b 40 b9
Government of The Netherlands, PKIoverheid The Netherlands 10 1d fa 3f d5 0b cb bb 9b b5 60 0c 19 55 a4 1a f4 73 3a 04
Government of The Netherlands, PKIoverheid The Netherlands 59 af 82 79 91 86 c7 b4 75 07 cb cf 03 57 46 eb 04 dd b7 16
Government of the United States of America, Federal PKI USA 76 b7 60 96 dd 14 56 29 ac 75 85 d3 70 63 c1 bc 47 86 1c 8b
Government of the United States of America, Federal PKI USA cb 44 a0 97 85 7c 45 fa 18 7e d9 52 08 6c b9 84 1f 2d 51 b5
Government of the United States of America, Federal PKI USA ‎90 5f 94 2f d9 f2 8f 67 9b 37 81 80 fd 4f 84 63 47 f6 45 c1
Government of Tunisia, Agence National de Certification Electronique / National Digital Certification Agency (ANCE/NDCA) Tunisia 30 70 f8 83 3e 4a a6 80 3e 09 a6 46 ae 3f 7d 8a e1 fd 16 54
Government of Tunisia, Agence National de Certification Electronique / National Digital Certification Agency (ANCE/NDCA) Tunisia d9 04 08 0a 49 29 c8 38 e9 f1 85 ec f7 a2 2d ef 99 34 24 07
Government of Turkey, Kamu Sertifikasyon Merkezi (Kamu SM) Turkey 1b 4b 39 61 26 27 6b 64 91 a2 68 6d d7 02 43 21 2d 1f 1d 96
Government of Uruguay, Correo Uruguayo Uruguay f9 dd 19 26 6b 20 43 f1 fe 4b 3d cb 01 90 af f1 1f 31 a6 9d
Government of Venezuela, Superintendencia de Servicios de Certificación Electrónica (SUSCERTE) Venezuela ‎dd 83 c5 19 d4 34 81 fa d4 c2 2c 03 d7 02 fe 9f 3b 22 f5 17
Government of Venezuela, Superintendencia de Servicios de Certificación Electrónica (SUSCERTE) Venezuela ‎39 8e be 9c 0f 46 c0 79 c3 c7 af e0 7a 2f dd 9f ae 5f 8a 5c


With a closer look we see that these 46 certificates are operated by 33 different agencies in 26 countries.


Wikipedia tells us there are 207 governments and now we know apparently 14% of them operate their own globally trusted root.


Though I love to travel and I consider myself a citizen of the world I have never needed to communicate with any of these governments using their private PKIs so I personally have marked them as “revoked” in CryptoAPI, I also manage which of the commercial root CAs I trust manually.

There are some other interesting observations we can gleam from the Root Program membership also, I will do more posts on these later.

Serving OCSP POST responses on a CDN

The other day I did a blog post on how we are using a CDN to front our OCSP services, the CDN we are using is CloudFlare who is one of our partners.

In that blog post I mentioned that POSTs requests from an OCSP client would normally be a cache miss for a CDN and this introduces additional latency in serving these responses.

Even though the response times we were getting had this additional latency the performance was still acceptable but we wanted to do better so a few weeks ago I went to the CloudFlare office and worked with them on making their services OCSP aware.

Specifically we made it so that when they get an OCSP POST they can determine what cached response to return (for example from a prior GET) instead of going back to our responders to have our responder do that for them.

As of today this change has gone live, as you know I love numbers which is why I have been publishing these repository performance numbers. What you will see if you look at those is that our worldwide average is right around 100ms, if we take out china and Australia that figure drops to around 60ms.

The problem with these numbers is they only test the GET variant of the protocol, that is because neither Pingdom nor Monitis let me simulate binary POSTs (which is what the OCSP POST variant looks like).

With that said we can extrapolate what the numbers look like fairly easily; from my current network location (which is slow) this is what I see:



What I want you to notice here is that over 15 requests when I do a POST to the CDN instance of our responder I get the same response time average as I do when I perform the same test with the GET variant.

What this tells us is that POST is performing the exact same as a GET which from this we can safely say that in our case the performance numbers I have been publishing for GET are also accurate for POSTs.

What you will also see that our responder is slower to server via POST, this is because it is designed around nonced OCSP requests and as such isn’t optimized as much as it could be for caching them.

I should also note that our decision to put a CDN in front of our OCSP responder does not break clients that want to send nonced requests (no browsers do by default btw), these are simply treated as a cache miss.


Wanted: Senior Software Engineer (Back-End) [Manila]

Title: Senior Software Engineer / Lead

Location: Manila

Languages: English


Who we are

GlobalSign was formed in 1996 as one of the Internet’s original trust service providers (you probably know us as a Certificate Authority). Over the years we have issued millions of digital certificates that have been used to secure commerce and communication on the Internet. Our solutions take the pain out of using cryptography and help organizations solve complex problems with increased productivity and peace of mind.


What we’re going to do

The web has changed a lot since 1996 but how we bootstrap trust on it has not changed much – we are going to fix that.


Who we’re looking for

We are building a small engineering team here in the Seattle area and another in Manila and need senior developers who are passionate about security and building technology for the modern web.

In this role you’ll write high-performance web services, core security subsystems, key management solutions, architect new solutions that make certificate and key management a breeze and interact with the open source community.

Most importantly, you’ll be a leader – writing groundbreaking code that continually changes and influences the industry.


Skills & Experience

  • Architecting, designing and implementing core services, processes and technologies that provide reliability, high availability, performance and scalability.
  • Extensive experience with database design and deployment.
  • Experience with applied cryptographic concepts such as certificates, certificate chains, and key management with a healthy interest in their XML and JSON counterparts.
  • Experience designing highly interactive web applications with performance, scalability, usability, and security in mind.
  • Experience developing software on Unix/Linux.
  • Love your version control (Git preferably).
  • Understanding of security risks and secure software development.
  • Enjoys prototyping and iterating stuff.
  • Bonus points for speaking Japanese.


Required Qualifications

  • 5 years dynamic / scripting language programming, with background in C/C++ systems programming preferred.
  • 5 years of experience with database administration, support, optimizations and monitoring.
  • 5 years of design and development of extremely high volume, high availability applications and systems.
  • 2+ years experience in Systems Engineering / Administration with firm understanding of *nix architecture.
  • Strong Computer Science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms).
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, or equivalent experience. Engineering or related discipline highly recommended.
  • Awesomeness trumps all other requirements.


If this sounds like it could be you, send us a CV and some examples of the work that you’re most proud of.


GlobalSign is an equal opportunity employer with locations all over the world. Aside from being a great place to work we offer an excellent benefit package that includes Health, Dental, 401k, Life Insurance, and a generous time off and holiday schedule.

All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status; medical condition, disability; or any other legally protected status.


Keywords: Authentication, Authorization, Fraud, TCP/IP, load balancing, reverse-proxies, production web scaling, high-availability, high-volume web services, distributed systems and programming language design, Openssl, Bouncy Castle

Wanted: Senior Software Engineer / Lead [Manila]

Title: Senior Software Engineer / Lead

Location: Manila

Languages: English


Who we are

GlobalSign was formed in 1996 as one of the Internet’s original trust service providers (you probably know us as a Certificate Authority). Over the years we have issued millions of digital certificates that have been used to secure commerce and communication on the Internet. Our solutions take the pain out of using cryptography and help organizations solve complex problems with increased productivity and peace of mind.


What we’re going to do

The web has changed a lot since 1996 but how we bootstrap trust on it has not changed much – we are going to fix that.


Who we’re looking for

We are building a small engineering team here in Manila and need a senior developer with leadership experience who is passionate about security and creating beautiful user experiences.

We want someone who feels someone who feels comfortable on both the front- and back-end, who loves learning new stuff, who’s entrepreneurial, a technical leader, a true creative problem solver.

As a Senior Software Engineer and lead, you’ll write help us recruit and manage new team members and build our engineering team to into a powerhouse. You’ll design and build high-volume web services, amazing user experiences and interact with the open source community.


Skills & Experience

  • HTML/CSS/Javascript (jQuery, AJAX, etc.) master with a healthy interest in HTML5, REST and JSON.
  • Experience with one or more server-side languages and frameworks especially Java, Node.js and PHP.
  • Experience designing highly interactive web applications with performance, scalability, usability, and security in mind.
  • Experience with relational database schema design and queries.
  • Experience developing software on Unix/Linux.
  • Love your version control (Git preferably).
  • Understanding of applied cryptographic concepts such as certificates, certificate chains, key management.
  • Understanding of security risks and secure software development.
  • Enjoys prototyping and iterating stuff.
  • Bonus points for speaking Japanese.


Required Qualifications

  • 5 years dynamic / scripting language programming, with background in Java and C++ programming preferred.
  • 2+ years experience in Systems Engineering / Administration with firm understanding of *nix architecture.
  • 2+ years experience as a technical lead / manager.
  • Strong Computer Science fundamentals (data structures and algorithms).
  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, or equivalent experience. Engineering or related discipline highly recommended.
  • Awesomeness trumps all other requirements.


If this sounds like it could be you, send us a CV and some examples of the work that you’re most proud of.


GlobalSign is an equal opportunity employer with locations all over the world. Aside from being a great place to work we offer an excellent benefit package that includes Health, Dental, 401k, Life Insurance, and a generous time off and holiday schedule.

All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status; medical condition, disability; or any other legally protected status.

Wanted: IT Analyst [Tokyo]

Title: IT Analyst

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Languages: Japanese, written English.


Who we are

GlobalSign was formed in 1996 as one of the Internet’s original trust service providers (you probably know us as a Certificate Authority). Over the years we have issued millions of digital certificates that have been used to secure commerce and communication on the Internet. Our solutions take the pain out of using cryptography and help organizations solve complex problems with increased productivity and peace of mind.


Who we’re looking for

We are looking for an up-and-coming system administrator with a passion for security. For the right candidate this is an amazing opportunity to work with the IT manager to help design, build and support a global information technology program.

What they will do

  • Deploy and support of Windows and Apple based PCs.
  • Deploy and support of Windows and Unix based servers.
  • Set up end user accounts, permissions, and access rights in accordance within the documented security policy.
  • Maintain multiple applications, and systems, network infrastructure, and promoting industry best practices.
  • Follow up on requests, deployments & incidents/issues (including escalation) and ensure proper and timely closure.
  • Monitor server performance to determine whether adjustments need to be made, and to determine where changes need to be made in the future.
  • Scripting and general of automation of common tasks.
  • Respond to communications from end users about server, workstation, network, database, and hardware issues.
  • Create adhoc reporting as requested.

Skills & Experience

  • At least two years’ experience in a similar role within a small to medium enterprise.
  • A minimum of 1 year of prior experience working with IT Helpdesk or IT Technical support required.
  • Intermediate knowledge of Windows and Unix systems.
  • Intermediate ability to diagnose and troubleshoot performance, and reliability of all aspects of a desktop environment.
  • Basic ability to diagnose and troubleshoot basic server configuration issues.
  • Excellent global communication skills in both formal and informal settings with all organizational levels of employees.
  • Basic knowledge of scripting languages such as Python as well as some experience in web based and service oriented application delivery and a desire to learn more.
  • Ability to multi-task and work in a fast pace environment and possess a strong drive to succeed and take the initiative to perform tasks in a timely manner.
  • Ability to work in a team and individually.
  • Basic knowledge of Security concepts.
  • Must be flexible to work early or late office hours, weekends, when required
  • Must display the ability to remain calm under pressure.
  • Required to carry duty Mobile and response to urgent calls.


GlobalSign is an equal opportunity employer with locations all over the world. Aside from being a great place to work we offer an excellent benefit package that includes Health, Dental, 401k, Life Insurance, and a generous time off and holiday schedule.

All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status; medical condition, disability; or any other legally protected status.



Windows, Linux, Unix, System Administration, Account Management, Troubleshooting, Diagnosing, Patch Management, Antivirus, Firewalls


Wanted: Information Technology Manager [Tokyo]

Title: Information Technology Manager

Location: Tokyo, Japan

Languages: English and Japanese


Who we are

GlobalSign was formed in 1996 as one of the Internet’s original trust service providers (you probably know us as a Certificate Authority). Over the years we have issued millions of digital certificates that have been used to secure commerce and communication on the Internet. Our solutions take the pain out of using cryptography and help organizations solve complex problems with increased productivity and peace of mind.


Who we’re looking for

We are looking for a seasoned Information Technology manager with a background in security. For the right candidate this is an amazing opportunity to report directly to the CTO and build a small team chartered to design, build and manage a global information technology program.


What they will do

  • Create a clear technology roadmap connecting vision to technology including setting aggressive but realistic project schedules.
  • Identify, evaluate and select new and emerging technologies that can be assimilated within the company and significantly improve competitiveness.
  • Hire, manage and train a small team made up of one direct and several remote dotted-line professionals in offices in the United States, United Kingdom and the Philippines.
  • Build a team culture where growth is encouraged; you will both train and mentor your team and develop a positive team moral and culture.
  • Work closely with global business leaders across the company to direct technological research through awareness of organization goals, strategies, practices, and user projects.
  • Architect, deploy and manage the operation of secure, reliable and cost-effective IT and telephone infrastructure.
  • Author and maintain policy, processes and procedures to train staff and ensure the smooth delivery of IT services.
  • Regularly report on service availability, reliability and security.
  • Participate in disaster recovery and business continuity exercises.
  • Contribute technically for all aspects of system management, including troubleshooting when required.
  • Perform product and service evaluations to select best products to meet operational and budget requirements. As well as manage vendor relationships and negotiate associated contracts.
  • Establish, track and enforc organization, IT, and financial goals and metrics.


Skills & Experience

  • At least two years’ experience in lead or management role in a small to medium enterprise.
  • MCSE or similar certification is desirable.
  • Experience designing, deploying and managing Active Directory and DNS in a global environment.
  • Experience designing, deploying and managing secure network infrastructure including 802.1x, RADIUS, VLANs, Firewalls and remote access.
  • Experience with Anti-Virus, Back-Up and Security Suites.
  • Required to carry duty mobile and response to urgent calls.
  • Occasional travel to international offices.
  • Strong written and oral communication skills required.
  • Preference for experience using virtualization.
  • Strong preference for applicants with experience with security.


GlobalSign is an equal opportunity employer with locations all over the world. Aside from being a great place to work we offer an excellent benefit package that includes Health, Dental, 401k, Life Insurance, and a generous time off and holiday schedule.

All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status; medical condition, disability; or any other legally protected status.



Patch Management, Antivirus, Firewalls, IDS, IPS, AD, DNS, RADIUS, 802.1x, EAP, VPN, IPSEC, Active Directory, Smart Cards, Two Factor Login, Windows, Unix, Linux, Antivirus, Active Directory



Wanted: Network and System Specialist [Singapore]

Title: Network and System Specialist

Location: Singapore

Languages: English, Japanese is a plus.


Who we are

GlobalSign was formed in 1996 as one of the Internet’s original trust service providers (you probably know us as a Certificate Authority). Over the years we have issued millions of digital certificates that have been used to secure commerce and communication on the Internet. Our solutions take the pain out of using cryptography and help organizations solve complex problems with increased productivity and peace of mind.


Who we’re looking for

We are looking for an up-and-coming system administrator with a passion for security. For the right candidate this is an amazing opportunity to build and operate a high-availability secure system to power modern web applications


What they will do

  • Administration and maintenance of network and system infrastructure including: Maintain service availability, reliability, performance and facilitate incident response
    • Network equipment (Routers, Switches , Firewall / IPS).
    • Load balancers, proxy Servers and web servers.
    • Unix hosts (Redhat) and Databases (SQL).
  • Hardening and monitoring of security of hosts and network devices.
  • Ensure that the network is operating at optimum performance and with high availability by continually reviewing areas of improvement.Support disaster recovering and business continuity exercises.
    • Recommend the optimum or alternative solutions.
    • Monitor and maintain service availability.
    • Ensure procedures are documented.
    • Ensure compliance to policies and procedures.
    • Follow up on requests, deployments & incidents/issues (including escalation) and ensure proper and timely closure.
  • Ability to diagnose and troubleshoot performance, and reliability of all aspects of system.
  • Development and deployment of automation of common tasks.


Skills & Experience

  • At least two years’ experience in a similar role.
  • Ability to work in a team and individually.
  • Ability to multi-task and work in a fast pace environment
  • Prior experience maintaining up-to-date operation and procedure documentation.
  • Candidate able to work extended hours and weekends
  • Required to carry duty Mobile and response to urgent calls
  • Strong preference for applicants with experience with PKI and cryptographic key management.
  • Preference for experience using virtualization.
  • Preference for applicants with experience working in a high-availability environment with %99.999 up-time.


GlobalSign is an equal opportunity employer with locations all over the world. Aside from being a great place to work we offer an excellent benefit package that includes Health, Dental, 401k, Life Insurance, and a generous time off and holiday schedule.

All applicants will be considered without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital or veteran status; medical condition, disability; or any other legally protected status.